別名: Botsuraku Yotei Nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu, Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith, 몰락 예정이어서 대장장이를 목표로 한다, 为了扭转没落命运,迈向锻冶工匠之路, 没落予定なので、鍛治職人を目指す, Botsuraku Youtei Nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu, 没落予定なので、鍛治職人を目指す, Botsuraku Youtei Nanode, Kajishokunin Wo Mezasu
WEB発の没落(予定)貴族の逆転コメディ! 待望のコミカライズ化!! 現代日本からゲーム『幻想学園』の嫌われモブ貴族に転生した、主人公のクルリ・ヘラン。しかし、将来は悪役令嬢と結婚するも没落する未来が待っていて……!? 没落ルート回避の物語、堂々開幕――!! The main character is reborn as a character from a game he played in his previous life. This character falls into ruin along with the villainess, spending the last of their years together. A man named Kururi Helan. No details of this decline is written inside the game, it can´t be understood why this sub-character ended up with the villainess route. However, that is of no importance. Living as a needy farmer along with someone is unpleasant, so the main character seeks a profession. For now, he aims for becoming a blacksmith as he originally had skill in it. The popular light novel now in manga form!
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